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EigenDA API Error Codes

There are three categories of response status codes that the EigenDA GRPC API may return to a requesting client:

  1. Success
  2. Client Error
  3. Server Error

The Client Error category breaks down into 3 subcategories:

  1. Invalid Request
  2. Rate Limited
  3. Not Found

This table summarizes all the current status codes and their mappings to HTTP codes.

StatusgRPC Error CodeHTTP Error CodeUse cases
OKOK200 OKApplicable to all
Invalid RequestInvalidArgument400 Bad RequestApplicable to all
Too Many RequestsResourceExhausted429 Too Many RequestsFor Disperser and Churner rate limiting
Not FoundNotFound404 Not FoundFor GetBlobStatus and RetrieveBlob
Internal ErrorInternal500 Internal Server ErrorApplicable to all

API endpoints error reference

Disperser.DisperseBlobAuthenticated() and Disperser.DisperseBlob()

Error StringStatus CodeDescription
"error receiving next message: %v"InvalidArgument (400)This error occurs when there is an issue receiving the next message from the gRPC stream.
"missing DisperseBlobRequest"InvalidArgument (400)This error occurs when the DisperseRequest field is missing from the AuthenticatedRequest message.
"failed to decode public key (%v): %v"InvalidArgument (400)This error occurs when there is an issue decoding the public key from the AccountID field of the BlobAuthHeader.
"context deadline exceeded"InvalidArgument (400)This error occurs when the context deadline is exceeded while waiting for the next message from the gRPC stream.
"expected AuthenticationData"InvalidArgument (400)This error occurs when the AuthenticationData field is missing from the AuthenticatedRequest message.
"failed to authenticate blob request: %v"InvalidArgument (400)This error occurs when there is an issue authenticating the blob request using the provided authentication data.
"blob size cannot exceed 2 MiB"InvalidArgument (400)This error occurs when the size of the blob data exceeds the maximum allowed size of 2 MiB.
"blob size must be greater than 0"InvalidArgument (400)This error occurs when the size of the blob data is zero.
"number of custom_quorum_numbers must not exceed 256"InvalidArgument (400)This error occurs when the number of custom quorum numbers provided in the request exceeds 256.
"number of custom_quorum_numbers must not exceed number of quorums"InvalidArgument (400)This error occurs when the number of custom quorum numbers provided in the request exceeds the total number of quorums.
"custom_quorum_numbers must be in range [0, 254], but found %d"InvalidArgument (400)This error occurs when a custom quorum number is outside the valid range of [0, 254].
"custom_quorum_numbers must be in range [0, <quorum count>], but found %d"InvalidArgument (400)This error occurs when a custom quorum number is outside the valid range of [0, QuorumCount-1].
"custom_quorum_numbers must not contain duplicates"InvalidArgument (400)This error occurs when the custom quorum numbers contain duplicate values.
"custom_quorum_numbers should not include the required quorums %v, but required quorum %d was found"InvalidArgument (400)This error occurs when a custom quorum number includes a required quorum number.
"the blob must be sent to at least one quorum"InvalidArgument (400)This error occurs when no quorums are specified for the blob dispersal.
"invalid request: %w"InvalidArgument (400)This error occurs when the request contains invalid parameters, such as invalid security parameters.
"encountered an error to convert a 32-bytes into a valid field element, please use the correct format where every 32bytes(big-endian) is less than 21888242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808495617"InvalidArgument (400)This error occurs when the blob has not been encoded correctly. See blob encoding.
"request ratelimited: <rate type> for quorum %d"ResourceExhausted (429)This error occurs when the request is rate limited for the specified quorum based on the configured rate limits.


Error StringStatus CodeDescription
"request_id must not be empty"InvalidArgument (400)This error occurs when the request_id field is empty in the BlobStatusRequest message.
"failed to parse the requestID: %s"InvalidArgument (400)This error occurs when there is an issue parsing the request_id field into a valid BlobKey.
"failed to get blob metadata, blobkey: %s"Internal (500)This error occurs when there is an issue retrieving the blob metadata for the specified BlobKey.
"missing confirmation information: %s"Internal (500)This error occurs when the confirmation information is missing from the blob metadata.


Error StringStatus CodeDescription
"ratelimiter error: %v"Internal (500)This error occurs when there is an issue with the rate limiter, such as an internal error.
"request ratelimited"ResourceExhausted (429)This error occurs when the request is rate limited based on the configured rate limits.
"Failed to retrieve blob metadata"Internal (500)This error occurs when there is an issue retrieving the blob metadata for the specified batch header hash and blob index.
"failed to get blob data, please retry"Internal (500)This error occurs when there is an issue retrieving the blob data from the blob store.


Error StringStatus CodeDescription
"invalid request: %s"InvalidArgument (400)This error occurs when the churn request is invalid due to various reasons such as invalid signature length, invalid pubkey lengths, or invalid salt length.
"previous approval not expired, retry in %d"ResourceExhausted (429)This error occurs when the previous churn approval has not expired yet and the retry time is provided.
"failed to verify request signature: %s"InvalidArgument (400)This error occurs when the request signature verification fails.
"rate limiter error: %s"ResourceExhausted (429)This error occurs when the rate limit for the operator is exceeded.
"invalid signature length"InvalidArgument (400)This error occurs when the signature length in the request is invalid.
"invalid operatorToRegisterPubkeyG1 length"InvalidArgument (400)This error occurs when the operatorToRegisterPubkeyG1 length in the request is invalid.
"invalid operatorToRegisterPubkeyG2 length"InvalidArgument (400)This error occurs when the operatorToRegisterPubkeyG2 length in the request is invalid.
"invalid salt length"InvalidArgument (400)This error occurs when the salt length in the request is invalid.
"invalid quorumIds length %d"InvalidArgument (400)This error occurs when the quorumIds length in the request is invalid.
"invalid request: security_params must not contain duplicate quorum_id"InvalidArgument (400)This error occurs when the quorumIds in the request contain duplicate values.
"invalid request: the quorum_id must be in range [0, %d], but found %d"InvalidArgument (400)This error occurs when the quorumId in the request is outside the valid range.
"operatorToRegisterPubkeyG1 and operatorToRegisterPubkeyG2 are not equivalent"InvalidArgument (400)This error occurs when the operatorToRegisterPubkeyG1 and operatorToRegisterPubkeyG2 are not equivalent during signature verification.
"operatorRequestSignature is invalid"InvalidArgument (400)This error occurs when the operatorRequestSignature is invalid during signature verification.
"operator is already registered in quorum"InvalidArgument (400)This error occurs when the operator is already registered in the specified quorum.
"registering operator must have %f%% more than the stake of the lowest-stake operator. Block number used for this decision: %d, registering operator address: %s, registering operator stake: %d, stake of lowest-stake operator: %d, operatorId of lowest-stake operator: %x, quorum ID: %d"InvalidArgument (400)This error occurs when the registering operator does not have sufficient stake compared to the lowest-stake operator to churn it out.
"operator to churn out must have less than %f%% of the total stake. Block number used for this decision: %d, operatorId of the operator to churn: %x, stake of the operator to churn: %d, total stake in quorum: %d, quorum ID: %d"InvalidArgument (400)This error occurs when the operator to be churned out has more than the allowed percentage of the total stake in the quorum.
"operatorID Rate Limit Exceeded: %d"ResourceExhausted (429)This error occurs when the rate limit for a specific operatorID is exceeded.