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Using the Golang Client for Authenticated Dispersal

EigenDA offers a low-level golang client which wraps the bottom-level GRPC client with ECDSA keypair authentication logic. That client is available in the EigenDA repo in disperser_client.go. This is a tutorial for getting started using this client.


  • Golang must be installed on your machine. You can install golang here.

First let's start by setting up a project directory:

mkdir ~/Workspace/eigenda-dispersal-program
cd ~/Workspace/eigenda-dispsersal-program

Next let's define our project. Take some time to read through main.go, understanding each line and its corresponding comment.

# go.mod

go 1.21.1

require ( v0.7.1 v0.7.1 v1.33.0
# main.go
package main

import (

disperser_rpc ""

func main() {
// Configuration for the disperser client
config := clients.NewConfig(
time.Second*10, // request timeout
true, // useSecureGrpcFlag, should be set to true unless running against a local disperser for testing

// Retrieve authentication with private key
eigendaAuthKey, ok := os.LookupEnv("EIGENDA_AUTH_PK")
if !ok {
fmt.Printf("No EIGENDA_AUTH_PK env var set")

// Set up authentication with private key
signer := auth.NewSigner(eigendaAuthKey)

// Create the disperser client
client := clients.NewDisperserClient(config, signer)

// Context with timeout
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second*10)
defer cancel()

// Data to be dispersed (example data)
data := []byte("example data to disperse")

// encode data to be compatible with bn254 field element constraints
data = codec.ConvertByPaddingEmptyByte(data)

// Custom quorums (none for now, means we're dispersing to the default quorums)
quorums := []uint8{}

// Disperse the blob
blobStatus, requestID, err := client.DisperseBlob(ctx, data, quorums)
if err != nil || *blobStatus == disperser.Failed {
fmt.Printf("Error dispersing blob: %v\n", err)

// Print the initial result
fmt.Printf("Initial Blob Status: %+v\n", blobStatus)
fmt.Printf("Request ID: %s\n", string(requestID))

// Create a new context for each status request
statusOverallCtx, statusOverallCancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Minute*30)
defer statusOverallCancel()

ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second * 5)

// Poll GetBlobStatus until the status is done
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
// Create a new context for each status request
statusCtx, statusCancel := context.WithTimeout(statusOverallCtx, time.Second*5)
defer statusCancel()

// Get the blob status
statusReply, err := client.GetBlobStatus(statusCtx, requestID)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error getting blob status: %v\n", err)

// Check if the status is done
if statusReply.Status == disperser_rpc.BlobStatus_FINALIZED {
fmt.Printf("Blob Status is finalized: %s\n", pprint(statusReply))
} else if statusReply.Status == disperser_rpc.BlobStatus_FAILED {
fmt.Printf("Error dispersing blob: %v\n", statusReply.Status)
} else {
fmt.Printf("Current Blob Status: %s\n", pprint(statusReply))
case <-statusOverallCtx.Done():
fmt.Printf("Timed out waiting for blob to finalize\n")

func pprint(m proto.Message) string {
marshaler := protojson.MarshalOptions{
Multiline: true,
Indent: " ",
jsonBytes, err := marshaler.Marshal(m)
if err != nil {
panic("Failed to marshal proto to JSON")
return string(jsonBytes)

Finally, let's install our dependencies:

go mod tidy

If you run this you should see logs like these:

$ go run main.go
Initial Blob Status: Processing
Request ID: f9c979e84c19929dcdfc0c4f7ba65dc3ab47276e6d910480ed2d84ccbd4b8a3d-313731353939303238353532353837363539382f302f33332f312f33332fe3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855
Current Blob Status: {
"status": "PROCESSING",
"info": {}

<many logs later, within 12 minutes>

Current Blob Status: {
"status": "CONFIRMED",
"info": {
"blobHeader": {
"commitment": {
"x": "EBXIwkZ7nXChaRx2Nz+SZyU/rX3WvZnLGeKpCW32OWs=",
"y": "LoTp8Bqz7pyhptnRBT5o01GAbPGXB52Ll+X+Pw+ibeg="
"dataLength": 1,
"blobQuorumParams": [
"adversaryThresholdPercentage": 33,
"confirmationThresholdPercentage": 55,
"chunkLength": 1
"quorumNumber": 1,
"adversaryThresholdPercentage": 33,
"confirmationThresholdPercentage": 55,
"chunkLength": 1
"blobVerificationProof": {
"batchId": 15219,
"blobIndex": 687,
"batchMetadata": {
"batchHeader": {
"batchRoot": "+yFLC9HFHJxkBixjGdFGv0psPC6R0DNynhowYgUvjtE=",
"quorumNumbers": "AAE=",
"quorumSignedPercentages": "VU4=",
"referenceBlockNumber": 1564355
"signatoryRecordHash": "HG1kkSIGjTOX2kFexdGnuAj7zDJaat0XQQavHjjXdPs=",
"fee": "AA==",
"confirmationBlockNumber": 1564476,
"batchHeaderHash": "d1KhHvr0lhNCYiizYS5+v/2QWvSTsm7MeACChYDRli0="
"inclusionProof": "3DDZAQV1jdb4Eb3pLAAVqAq69EMrmGMfwfcW9jQwShN8O4oqv7041DVjM09LARNO4VX1WUoVrSdXQ5ZXpaKKL7iREgnhNrHydYXfmJuGiS7dtxQubTDQ2O5bYTckzt/LZakvNf5hz87vEQdvHcYh2wpBugaX6/kgY/8OGiHLwocIXXwC5upaU92WSxFkHmd31xq7nAwDM5N8s7R9ktWBTbBGVFTtmTcctapohz551bskMoV79w28ie4Tc6NcdS5S9z1hR6tW9IGoHqeifynPjdvRaq51T/jnJWSC6gixbO6DOcw2qIU0+jhZsu6/ucHIwzxBQtvmp+7dLBthC7dZYllIOsc2nyTmUfp2mKXjP5vPEhbX+FLIMwagi3lGOI9zUdG/RYIpKxEIVoO5ffStDMotX4ZCgGZyQiTYR0maags/yc/ID27M8YVyu54nAAAyG89TpmqvVofJ1ove863ufA==",
"quorumIndexes": "AAE="

<many logs later, within another 12 minutes>

Current Blob Status is finalized: {
"status": "FINALIZED",
"info": {
"blobHeader": {
"commitment": {
"x": "EBXIwkZ7nXChaRx2Nz+SZyU/rX3WvZnLGeKpCW32OWs=",
"y": "LoTp8Bqz7pyhptnRBT5o01GAbPGXB52Ll+X+Pw+ibeg="
"dataLength": 1,
"blobQuorumParams": [
"adversaryThresholdPercentage": 33,
"confirmationThresholdPercentage": 55,
"chunkLength": 1
"quorumNumber": 1,
"adversaryThresholdPercentage": 33,
"confirmationThresholdPercentage": 55,
"chunkLength": 1
"blobVerificationProof": {
"batchId": 15219,
"blobIndex": 687,
"batchMetadata": {
"batchHeader": {
"batchRoot": "+yFLC9HFHJxkBixjGdFGv0psPC6R0DNynhowYgUvjtE=",
"quorumNumbers": "AAE=",
"quorumSignedPercentages": "VU4=",
"referenceBlockNumber": 1564355
"signatoryRecordHash": "HG1kkSIGjTOX2kFexdGnuAj7zDJaat0XQQavHjjXdPs=",
"fee": "AA==",
"confirmationBlockNumber": 1564476,
"batchHeaderHash": "d1KhHvr0lhNCYiizYS5+v/2QWvSTsm7MeACChYDRli0="
"inclusionProof": "3DDZAQV1jdb4Eb3pLAAVqAq69EMrmGMfwfcW9jQwShN8O4oqv7041DVjM09LARNO4VX1WUoVrSdXQ5ZXpaKKL7iREgnhNrHydYXfmJuGiS7dtxQubTDQ2O5bYTckzt/LZakvNf5hz87vEQdvHcYh2wpBugaX6/kgY/8OGiHLwocIXXwC5upaU92WSxFkHmd31xq7nAwDM5N8s7R9ktWBTbBGVFTtmTcctapohz551bskMoV79w28ie4Tc6NcdS5S9z1hR6tW9IGoHqeifynPjdvRaq51T/jnJWSC6gixbO6DOcw2qIU0+jhZsu6/ucHIwzxBQtvmp+7dLBthC7dZYllIOsc2nyTmUfp2mKXjP5vPEhbX+FLIMwagi3lGOI9zUdG/RYIpKxEIVoO5ffStDMotX4ZCgGZyQiTYR0maags/yc/ID27M8YVyu54nAAAyG89TpmqvVofJ1ove863ufA==",
"quorumIndexes": "AAE="

Congratulations you've now dispersed a blob using the low-level EigenDA disperser client.